Rehabilitation residential ward (SP rehabilitation)

You enter the rehabilitation residential ward for an intensive rehabilitation program. A multidisciplinary team strives to help you achieve or maintain as much independence as possible. If necessary, we will also work to teach you how to cope with your disability.

Patiënt wandelt op de gang onder begeleiding

What can we help you with?

You can rehabilitate in the residential ward after a muscle or joint injury, after problems with the nervous system and after serious heart or lung problems. Just like in a hospital ward, in the residential ward you can call on medical specialties and numerous necessary examinations.

During the rehabilitation process, we work to limit the effects of an accident, injury or illness and help you cope with any permanent limitations. In this way we work together toward a final goal: the highest possible level of independence and, if possible, a return to the previous living situation. You will be supervised by a multidisciplinary team consisting of physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, neurosurgeons and a rehabilitation team. You can seek psychological help free of charge during your admission.

Patiënt doet revalidatieoefeningen met verpleegkundige

Who can come to us?

You stay at our department when you experience limitations to function after an acute phase in which rehabilitation is indicated. We always take into account that you are medically stable, have a good motivation and can achieve certain goals.

You can come to us as a result of the following cases:

  • complex orthopedic surgery such as back or neck surgery or prosthetic surgery
  • polytrauma
  • central nervous system disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease and a stroke
  • peripheral nerve injuries
  • after amputation
  • heart and lung diseases

How long does an admission last?

The length of admission is different for everyone and depends on your situation and condition. At the beginning of the admission, some goals are set in consultation with you, your family and the team. Depending on the evolution within the rehabilitation process and the achieved objectives, a discharge date will be determined.

What happens after my rehabilitation in the residential ward?

If further multidisciplinary rehabilitation is needed, you can go to our rehabilitation center. Otherwise, you will be given a prescription for your own physiotherapist.

Rehabilitation center

Physical medicine and rehabilitation

Practical questions

Everyone is welcome at our department.

The social services department of your current hospital, once your application has been submitted, will contact our social services department. Then your application will be discussed within our team to see if you qualify for admission to our department.

You can also call the following number: 011 69 91 47

Below is an overview of what you should definitely bring. It is better to leave valuables and money at home.

  • Comfortable clothes that you wear during the day in function of the therapy, preferably no dresses
  • Closed shoes
  • Toiletries
  • Sleeping clothes
  • Towels
  • Underwear

The rehabilitation residential ward is located in the D block on the second floor, follow the blue-green color from the entrance hall and go to the second floor. If you come by elevator, turn left. The department is designated Z2.


dr. Johan Darcis

dr. Johan Darcis

rehabilitation doctor
dr. Sam Hendrix

dr. Sam Hendrix

rehabilitation doctor
dr. Liesbet Van Mol

dr. Liesbet Van Mol

rehabilitation doctor

Head nurse

Fitore Bajrami SP-revalidatie

Fitore Bajrami