Ultrasound with biopsy

An ultrasound is an examination that uses sound waves to look inside the body. In this way, we perform a guided puncture to remove some tissue from e.g. the breast (biopsy) for further examination in the lab.

Course of the examination

An ultrasound with biopsy takes about 20 minutes and does not use X-rays.

Based on the generated ultrasound images, we perform a biopsy for instance at the level of the breast. In this biopsy, we take some tissue for further examination in the lab. The biopsy is the most accurate examination method and is often the final step in the process of making a diagnosis.

After the results are known in the lab, we send a report to the doctor who requested the examination. Only this doctor can discuss the results with you.

For this examination you must always make an appointment at the radiology department (tel. 011 69 92 75).


No specific preparation is required.

If you take blood-thinning (blood thinners) medication or are on anticoagulant therapy, be sure to notify the radiologist in advance. You will also be questioned about this.


No specific aftercare is required.

The nurse will apply pressure to the place of the puncture for some time to prevent local bleeding. 
In case of pain, local bleeding or swelling, it is best to contact the radiology department: 011 69 92 75.