Operating theatre

Surgical procedures (operations) are performed in the operating theatre. Surgeons from various disciplines operate here under the supervision of anesthesiologists who provide anesthesia and artificial sleep. In addition, the specialized team of surgical nurses is responsible for the necessary care before, during and after surgery.

What can we help you with?

Our operating theatre has 7 fully equipped operating rooms. In addition there is a reception room for patients awaiting their surgery and a recovery room where patients can wake up in a calm and controlled manner after surgery. Our operating rooms are enclosed, sterile areas. They are also equipped with the necessary high-tech equipment.
A multidisciplinary team consisting of nurses, anesthesiologists and surgeons from different disciplines work closely together in this department.

Head nurse

Veronique Terranova diensthoofd operatiekwartier

Veronique Terranova

operatiekwartier chirurg